第三十一屆里約奧運會國家奧運精英出席在澳門東亞運動會體育館舉行的「我們的驕傲-國家奧運精英運動員澳門聯歡會」。聯歡會結合了訪談、歌舞表演及遊戲,現場觀眾除了一睹精英運動員的風采外,更可與運動員進行近距離接觸和互動。晚會邀請到張杰、林峯、李克勤、草蜢及Super Girls等藝人助慶演出。
National Olympic elites of the 31st Rio Olympic Games attended “O nosso orgulho! – Exibição dos Medalhados Olímpicos Nacionais em Macau”, the event was held at Macao East Asian Games Dome on 30 August, 2016. It combined interviews of the Olympic heroes, singing and dancing performances and games. The audiences had close interactions with the athletes during the show. Performing singers such as Zhang Jie, Raymond Lam, Hacken Lee, Grasshopper and Super Girls were invited to the show to celebrate with Macao citizens.
<我們的驕傲> – 國家奧運精英運動員澳門聯歡會
O nosso orgulho! – Exibição dos Medalhados Olímpicos Nacionais em Macau
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