智慧的長河 – 電子動態版《清明上河圖》澳門展由上海市人民政府和澳門特別行政區政府主辦,上海世博會事務協調局及澳門體育局承辦,並由水晶石科技有限公司負責設計及製作。
是次展覽主要以上海世博會中國館最受注目的亮點展品 – 智慧的長河:電子動態版《清明上河圖》為中心,今次蒞臨澳門展出,增設了更多歷史、文化、藝術及教育元素,讓市民瞭解九百年前北宋首都汴京的風貌、民生百態及繁華景況。
River of Wisdom – Animated Version of the “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” (Macao Exhibition) is jointly presented by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and the Macao SAR Government, co-organized by the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination and Sports Bureau of Macao SAR Government, designed and produced by the Crystal Computer Graphics Limited.
The exhibition is centered on the Animated Version of the “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival”. Arriving in Macao, the exhibition is showcased with many additional elements, including history, culture, art and education, to introduce the significance of the “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” in Chinese culture and art. Through panels and artefacts display, it allows visitors to learn more about the urban view, people’s daily lives and prosperity of Bianjing of nearly nine hundred years ago.